by Craig Cocciola | Nov 27, 2017 | Cyber Security, Cybersecurity Jobs
ABL Cyber Lab brings experience to Cyber Certification Courses
LAB Overview
The ABL Cyber Lab is for both beginner and intermediate level cyber skills building. The ABL Cyber Lab training programs provide students with an interactive environment to learn the use of powerful hacking tools to scan, attack, test and build the required real-world skills to discover website and application vulnerabilities. The Lab is a secure way to learn and practice on internal, non-public web servers. The Lab training is not conducted in controlled simulations. Users are provided lessons on ABL Lab servers which allow them to progressively learn in a safe environment. Through the use of tools in Kali Linux, they scan and discover flaws and weaknesses known to be used by attackers to compromise systems. By gaining the hands-on experience of offensive tactics, cyber security professionals are able to prepare and determine the most effective strategy for defense.
In addition to many others, Lab students learn Pen Testing and how to perform:
- Wireless Attacks
- using aircrack-ng, fern Wi-Fi and Kismet
- Web Application Analysis
- Burpsuite, OWASP-Zap, SQLmap, WPScan
- Sniffing and Spoofing
- Metasploit, ettercap, wireshark, netsniff-n
- Information Gathering
- netdiscover, NMap, recon-ng
- Cyber Exploitation Tools
- Social Engineering ToolKit, Metasploit, Armitage, BeEF
Cyber Lab Skills-Based Training
All ABL Cyber Lab students have access to over 200 Kali linux pre-installed tools. Upon completion of all Beginner and Intermediate Lab lessons, all students receive a Certificate of Completion. The Lab experience provides hands on experience which is critical to supplement industry standard certification preparation training. This combination ensures the individual has the knowledge and practical skills to add value to his/her team and help identify poorly designed code and vulnerable system configuration critical to protecting any organization.
Closing the gap in cybersecurity skills requires a national agenda to develop critical technical skills, cultivate a larger and more diverse workforce, and reform education and training programs to include more hands-on learning.
TOUR the ABL Cyber Lab: Take a 2 minute video tour of the ABL Cyber Lab, at the ABL Cyber Academy....
NOTE: ABL uses a fully vetted and tested video hosting services. These are Safe links.
- Wireless Attacks
- Web Application Analysis
- Sniffing and Spoofing
- Information Gathering
- Cyber Exploitation Tools
Many others…

Contact ABL Cyber Lab:
Craig Cocciola, FSO Director IT
480-525-7195 direct
by Craig Cocciola | Sep 7, 2017 | Cyber Security, Cybersecurity School, Ethical Hacker, News
Cybersecurity Jobs are Knocking – certifications will open the door
FACT: the number of job postings requiring IT or cybersecurity certifications, are far greater than the supply of those holding these credentials. College degree is NOT required to work and grow in IT or Cybersecurity careers.
visit: or DOWNLOAD 3192-CyberSeekFlyer-FINAL-online INFO SHEET
Available Cyber Career Analysis Tools
> Cybersecurity Supply And Demand Heat Map
> Cybersecurity Career Pathway

by Craig Cocciola | Sep 7, 2017 | CISSP Certification Arizona, Cyber Security, News
CISSP Courses November 2017
- Blended Live Mentor and Online Course is structured to meet student timelines
- ABL Cyber LAB included for both onsite and remote access – real world skills building ethical hacking our vulnerable websites and apps
- DoD grade Instructors
- Location 10 minutes West of ASU
- Government Pricing available for Educational, Financial and Large Commercial Organizations
Price incl. Tuition and Books: $3596 – exam fee and CISSP Mentor support included
November Courses: Get Course Info from Link below
CISSP – Certification Prep Course
by Jason Jantzen | Sep 9, 2016 | CISSP Certification Arizona, CISSP PMP Security+, Cyber Security, Cybersecurity Certifications, Network+ Classes, News, PMP Certification AZ
Advanced Business Learning, (ABL) a Licensed State of Arizona postsecondary vocational school, now offering five-day cyber security boot-camp certification preparation courses with Federal Government pricing, at their classroom facility in Tempe.
Scottsdale, AZ (September 6, 2016) – Now offering Intelligence Community and Military Grade instruction, Scottsdale based Advanced Business Learning (ABL Academy) is currently enrolling for the following 5-day bootcamp cybersecurity training preparation courses:
CISSP: This certification preparation program is intended for experienced IT security-related practitioners, auditors, consultants, investigators, or instructors, including network or security analysts and engineers, network administrators, information security specialists, and risk management professionals, who are pursuing CISSP training and certification to acquire the credibility and mobility to advance within their current computer security careers or to migrate to a related career.
PMP: This certification preparation program is intended for individuals in various job roles who are involved in leading, managing, and participating in small to medium scale projects. In this course, students will apply recognized practices of project management and understand a project’s life cycle and roles and skills necessary to effectively initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project.
Security +: This certification preparation program prepares technology professionals to master technology systems found in varied information technology environments, from traditional devices and operating systems to mobile platforms. This focus area provides the skills and knowledge to apply industry best practices along with new, innovative solutions to troubleshoot networking and security operations across a variety of information technology infrastructures and devices.
Network +: This certification preparation program for the CompTIA Network+ improves a technician’s competency in managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, installing, and configuring basic network infrastructure. This program validates the essential knowledge and skills needed to confidently design, configure, manage and troubleshoot any wired and wireless networks.
CEH: This certification preparation program is for individuals seeking the CEH certification. This program will significantly benefit security officers, auditors, security professionals, site administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.
Class schedules will start in early October for CISSP; PMP; Security +; Network +; CEH and more. Visit for further details on classes or contact the ABL Academy at: 480-222-7507 or 480- 339- 4851.
About Advanced Business Learning (ABL)
For over 17 years, Advanced Business Learning has been a leader in workforce effectiveness programs serving the US Government and Fortune 1000 clients across the country and around the globe. Their team of elite consultants, instructors and best-of-breed partners are dedicated to delivering relevant, results-focused programs that are cost effective and have a measurable impact on your company’s short term goals and long term success.
Advanced Business Learning has a mission of bringing the same high quality DoD classroom experience with authorized CompTIA, EC-Counci, ISACA, ISC2, and PMI materials plus military grade instructors, many with DoD experience and Secret clearances, to thier certification exam prep courses where they ensure both certification exam readiness and application to real world work.
Media Contact:
Christine Holtz
Phoenix Marketing Associates
by Jason Jantzen | Sep 6, 2016 | Cyber Security, Cybersecurity School, Ethical Hacker, News
Recent cyberattacks on corporations like Target, Banner Health and most recently public voter data have influenced corporations to take a much more offensive approach to their internal cybersecurity practices. As companies like Uber are shifting away from a traditional brick and mortar organization to a more cloud based platform, the need to protect consumer information has increased exponentially. Modern day ways of doing business now have much less to do with cash as they do a smart phone transaction.
To avoid any setbacks or loss of consumer trust, companies have been forced to rethink their approach to protecting consumer data from a “wait and see” to having skilled and educated employees in place who now take preemptive measures to test strategies and best practices before a breach occurs.
A recent study by CompTIA, a leading resource for the IT industry, has shown that companies now consider security one of the primary responsibilities of their IT team. Larger organizations may have a subset of individuals whose sole responsibility is protecting consumer data while other smaller companies rely on well trained individuals with Network+ or CISSP certifications leading the helm.
Long gone are the days where a simple firewall was sufficient security. Corporations must now assess vulnerability of data not only within but also vet the security capabilities of vendors with whom they work. An example of this would be third party credit card processors or cloud based CRM platforms like Salesforce who are trusted daily with detailed consumer information.
Regardless of the security measures a company takes, CompTIA has also found that the most common source of breached data is caused by human error—specifically untrained employees. Internal efforts to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices often fall short, creating a need for classroom based learning in a short amount of time.
Advanced Business Learning, a licensed State of Arizona postsecondary vocational school and a CompTIA Authorized Training Provider, offers a wide variety of courses which properly prepare workforces to meet today’s challenges in security management. Companies who wish to improve the knowledge base of their workforce can enroll employees in entry-level to advanced CompTIA courses which establish best practices in troubleshooting, networking and security across a variety of devices in a 5-day bootcamp. For those IT departments on the offensive, they may consider the investment in having their top IT professionals becoming ISC2 certified and ultimately becoming a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
by Craig Cocciola | Aug 23, 2016 | Cyber Security, Cybersecurity Certifications, Cybersecurity Jobs, Ethical Hacker, News
Best CyberSecurity 5 Day Classes to Earn Certifications
As companies find themselves becoming more and more vulnerable to data breaches, employers in Arizona are increasingly looking within to hire or promote employees who have obtained cybersecurity certifications to ward off future potential attacks. Corporations like Target, who have recently fell victim to a data breach not only pay millions in costly fines but also lose consumer trust and future goodwill.
CompTIA Security +
Job seekers within the growing technology trade in Phoenix who wish to obtain a commercial cybersecurity job or land a coveted IT security position within the defense industry must receive certification as a prerequisite from a state certified school. Depending on the position desired, candidates can start their career with a basic CompTIA certification in network security while top-tier candidates seek the coveted Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). CompTIA certification gives candidates a good overview of best practices in troubleshooting, networking and security across a broad array of devices. Although the CompTIA certification is seen as a stepping stone for more advanced levels of certification, it’s important to note its relevancy as it is required by all employees of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Certified Ethical Hacker
An industry in Arizona that is rapidly growing in popularity is “Ethical Hacking” or “White Hat Hacking.” Ethical hackers must be properly trained and certified because of the high level of trust that is commanded by these positions. Ethical hackers are a unique breed whose main job is to think like a malicious cybercriminal while using that information to protect its employer. In order to properly train individuals to perform this job function, candidates are encouraged to obtain a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification. Certified Ethical Hackers are often referred to as “penetration testers” and are actually encouraged to attempt to penetrate a company’s network without physically stealing any data. Those who are able to successfully balance this mental game are also well rewarded as salaries start within the six figure range.
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
One of the most popular certifications prospective job seekers can obtain is that of a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Generally obtained by experienced IT professionals, consultants and auditor and risk management professionals, this certification serves as a base requirement for employees securing a company’s network. While the certification doesn’t focus on a single vendor, it does cover a wide array of topics from physical security to cryptography. Those who fully capitalize on the CISSP certification can make in excess of $150,000 per year.
Certified Information Security Manager
The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is a top-tier certification for those who have at least five years of experience within the network security industry. The CISM classes are very rigorous and will demand every bit of your five years’ background in IT. Those completing this advanced certification will learn about the following four area of cybersecurity:
- > Information security program development and management
- > Information security management
- > Information security incident management
- > Information risk management and compliance
Completion of this certification has the potential to roll out an invitation to the C-suite as CISM’s often obtain Chief Information Security Officer positions and command in excess of $200,000 annually.